Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Session Two

Session Two occurred on October 16th at ~9:00pm CDT.

Session two began right were session one left off with burning trees, 7 dead bandits, and the knowledge that two of the bastards had escaped.

First order of business:  Loot the bodies and acquire
6 units of arms and equipment
4 units of finished goods
150 gp

Second order of business:  Pile the bodies on a fire and let them burn

Third order of business:  Paint a sign warning of AMBUSHES and plant it at the location of this ambush

Upon finishing these tasks, the players readied the caravan and continued east.  

Encounter III - The Two Women [Roleplay?]
Three hours past the Bandit Ambush, the sound of a woman weeping and crying out "Haedrig!  Haedrig!" could be heard on the wind.  Having just been through an ambush the company was wary for another so Nestor walked on the North side of the road to watch for the tell-tale signs of more bandits, but he saw nothing.

Shortly after first hearing the cries, the party came upon two women with a small wagon and a dead horse.  The wagon and horse were facing west, and an older woman was collapsed on the side of the horse, weeping and cursing as a younger woman attempted to console her.

Someone asked the women what had happened, and their story went something like this:
  • They were a mother and daughter from the town of Aevora to the East.  Their husband/father had died some time ago, and they had decided to leave Aevora several weeks ago and head to Reywish to start a new life.
  • The back wheel on their wagon had broken and they had made camp here to try and repair it, but late last night bandits killed their horse and ransacked their wagon, taking everything of value.
  • Now, less than a day of travel from Reywish they found themselves utterly destitute and forlorn
The company stopped and began discussing what to do.  They investigated the wagon to see if everything had really been stolen (it had).  They discussed who should speak to the women more in depth.  They discussed some other things.  Then they discussed some other things.  Someone had an idea.  It was shot down.  An argument happened.  Was it a trap?  Were they telling the truth?  WHO WOULD FIND OUT?!

Erry, the cleric, was finally chosen to speak to the women, in more detail.  Everything the woman said or showed to Erry was plausible.  Being so close to Reywish and Stoll the women did not want to back track and go East with the players.  From their current location they were about 6 hours West of the Grey Gander, an inn at the crossroads in the middle of nowhere.  It just wasn't likely that they'd be able to get help or a new horse there because there was no telling if anyone was currently staying there with spare horses, and "even if there was a horse there we don't have any money to pay for it *sob*".
The women then asked Erry if they could just have one of the companies horses.  Erry said yes as their story of woe had moved him so.  He went back to the wagons to tell everyone what had been said.

New, heated, discussions broke out.  Shazz, Baron and Luci were called in to discuss giving them a horse.  For this disucssion *the entire party* stood in front of the front wagon in a circle facing inward looking at each other.   Ultimately the decision was made to offer a horse in exchange for the wagon, give the women 10gp and some of the bandit's crossbows for protection.  The women could then continue West, and the party could continue East with an additional wagon (once they fixed the wheel).

Bad phrasing from the DM then led to some unfortunate meta-gaming, but in the end, the women escaped with 10gp on one of the companies horses, right as/just after the players discovered that three of their chests of goods had been stolen from the back wagon.

As the session ended, Nestor, Mac and Calen headed South towards the bluffs following the trail left by the thieves that had stolen from the back wagon while the others worked on fixing the women's broken wagon, and shifted around their three remaining horses to each wagon.

Here ends the second session of play.

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